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Foam Rolling, Reinvented


Are you experiencing tight hips, an achy lower back, or poor lower body mobility? Do you feel sluggish and heavy during your workouts or does it seem like it takes forever to recover from them?

If you haven't been seeing much improvement with stretching, massage guns, or standard "rolling around" on your foam roller, it's because none of these things effectively release fascia. When this critical tissue is addressed the right way, it's possible to quickly:

✨Decrease hip tension

✨Alleviate hip and low back pain

✨Counteract all that time you’ve spent sitting (thank you, Netflix)

✨Improve your athletic performance

✨Get stuck energy and blood flow moving

All you have to do is follow along with 3 easy, 15 min long routines that you can do at home or the gym. (I'll bet you haven't used your foam roller quite like this! 🤯🙌🏼 )

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