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Troubleshoot Your Knee Pain with this One Exercise!

Uncategorized May 28, 2020

Last week I went to Boulder to get worked on by my fellow fascia release practitioner and personal trainer friend Jason. I desperately needed to get stepped on and it was amazing!


While there, we decided to film this quick video on knee pain. We've both experienced knee pain ourselves and it's one of the most common ailments we see with our clients. My ultimate goal is for you to look at your pain with curiosity instead of fear, so the more tools you have for troubleshooting your pain the better!


In this video, Jason and I walk through a step up exercise. You can use a step, box, stable chair, or simply go up and down your stairs.


Noticing when and where you feel your knee pain during this movement can tell you a lot about what areas of fascia are tight!


Here are the links to our recommended foam rolling techniques:


  1. If you feel knee pain in your top leg when you step up on the stair, start by releasing:



IT band


2. If you feel pain in the knee that's stepping down off the stair and planting on the ground, start by releasing:


Quad (especially low towards the knee)

Calf (high, lateral area especially)


3. If you feel pain in the knee that's behind you when stepping down, start releasing:





My recommendation is to do the foam rolling techniques that best fit your pain 3-4 days over this next week. Once your fascia has begun to loosen and your pain starts to recede, adding strength training is an incredible addition for keeping your pain away!


Stay tuned for next week's video for our top 3 strength training exercises for knee pain.


If you are looking for an amazing fascia release practitioner in the Boulder area, check out Jason!


50% Complete

Two Step

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