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THIS is The Link You're Missing for Lasting Pain Relief

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2020

Do you have nagging pain holding you back during your workouts? Have you already tried heat packs, ice, stretching, or physical therapy with little to no improvement? Are you inconsistent with your mobility and recovery work or are you unsure what that even means?

You are in the right place!

Pain can be scary, frustrating, make you "broken," or feel like you are simply "getting old." It can stop you in your tracks from doing the activities you love. This is NOT your destiny, my friend.

Pain can also be an incredible tool for understanding what your body needs and for finding the root source of your issue.

Most of your pain receptors live in your fascia, a massive web-like network in your body responsible for your shape, structure, and texture. When it's healthy, your fascia allows your muscles to move easily, your joints to glide smoothly, and your entire body to stay hydrated and shock absorbent. When it gets tight or stuck together, it's the leading cause of pain!

This critical system is largely overlooked in typical treatments and is the KEY for lasting pain relief.

If you are ready to rewind the clock and feel younger, lighter, and looser, grab your foam roller!



I Feel Your Pain (Literally)!


As a former collegiate athlete and currently avid climber, hiker, and barre class lover, I've suffered my share of crippling knee pain, whiplash-like neck pain, and nagging low back pain.

I understand the toll it takes on your mental state and your ability to pursue the active life you want! When I first felt that intense knee pain a few years back, I was devastated. I remember thinking "if this means I can't hike mountains anymore, my life is over." 

Luckily, there was no need to go full drama queen. Using what I know about fascia and pain patterns as a Kinetix practitioner, I was able to resolve all these problems on my own through strategic fascia release! 

Over the years, I've realized these fascia release techniques provided more than physical results. They helped me improve my body awareness and better understand my body's messages so I could look at my pain with curiosity instead of fear. Pain was only a signal that something was off and I felt confident I could troubleshoot any issues that came up.

Can you imagine having no fear of pain? This is a skill I want to pass to you!


The Future of Pain Relief

Although Western medicine has its time and place, treating symptoms or only the area that hurts is an outdated model. The most effective and holistic solution lies within your fascial system!

Your fascia is the most abundant tissue you have and the only system that touches all the rest (skeletal, muscular, circulatory, lymphatic, and nervous). So restoring the health of your fascia improves the function of your ENTIRE body! 

Releasing tight, stuck together, and dehydrated fascia can:

  • Decrease and eliminate pain (tendinitis, fasciitis, chronic pain, etc)
  • Increase your mobility (the ability of your joint to move easily and completely)
  • Improve blood flow (blood is critical in order to heal an area in pain)
  • Detox your tissue
  • Restore your ability to absorb shock
  • Hydrate all of your cells (which helps them get the nutrients they need and regenerate faster)
  • Make you feel young, light, and springy

You can release your fascia at home with a few simple tools! That's why I created Pain Liberation AcademyThis virtual academy gives you simple, follow along programs for plantar fasciitis, low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, sciatica, and more that guarantees you'll feel a significant difference in your pain in as little 30 days.




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