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The Ultimate Plantar Fasciitis Eliminator

Uncategorized May 07, 2020


Sharp, nagging pain in your heel?

This technique is for you! 

This is my favorite and the most effective foam rolling technique I know for relieving plantar fasciitis pain.

A common mistake I see with those suffering from PF is this narrow focus on the foot. Rolling an ice ball on the bottom or your foot, using a spiky ball, wearing a boot, inserts, etc. The key to relieving that pain, however, lies further up the chain. Your calf muscle is the number one area that causes that pain! If the fascia in the calf sticks together and becomes dehydrated, it begins to shrink up and pull on its attachment point at the bottom of your heel.

The dehydration of this fascia also decreases your ability to absorb shock. So every time you strike the ground with your heel, that impact is going directly into that attachment point spot instead of easily being dispersed throughout your body.

Hence, this incredible technique (credit: Kinetix creator Elisha Celeste (mobilitymastery.com). It will effectively compress the fascia in your lower leg and the movements will help stretch and shear the fibers quickly. I’ve had many clients able to eliminate their pain solely on their own using this one move.

Please note: this technique does require some hip mobility, balance, and practice. Take your time and keep trying until you get it! I promise it’s worth it!

Love this technique?

Check out Pain Liberation Academy! This virtual academy gives you simple, follow along programs for plantar fasciitis, low back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, sciatica, and more that guarantees you'll feel a significant difference in your pain in as little 30 days.



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