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The Most Likely Culprit of Knee Pain

Uncategorized Mar 12, 2020



Knee pain is common in the clients I see in my practice and it has been something I’ve experienced on and off the past few years myself. I do not want to oversimplify by saying I know “the one and only cause” of knee pain, but in my experience I have found one spot that offers the best and fastest relief to knee pain above the others.

This spot is the high, lateral part of your calf. 

The muscles of the gastrocnemius and soleus overlap in this area which often causes what I call “congestion” in the fascia. Essentially, a crinkled up section of fascia that has shrunk, adhered to itself, and become dehydrated. The fascia of this overlap is also near the long head of your hamstring and the IT band attachment. So I believe unsticking this section of the calf fascia has  the ability to restore space into those areas around the knee as well.

In order to heal, your body needs space and blood flow. This technique will help shear the fascia fibers enough to “pull out the plastic wrap wrinkles” and create space, and I often feel a distinctive rush of blood flow into the knee as I do this. This has helped both myself and my clients with knee issues! If it doesn’t fully heal your pain, I would love to help you one-on-one.



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